Day 3
Training Guide
Work your way through the Day 3 Training Guide by watching the videos and carefully reading all of the content. It takes about 15 minuets to complete. You will be implementing this information during your third day of onsite training.
Please be prepared to take the Clean Day Way Day 3 Quiz at the end of this guide and submit before your 3rd day of physical training.
Time Management
Time management is a struggle for all new Clean Day team members! You are not alone! You learn so much in such a short time and you want to make sure you are doing a good job!
You are trying to be thorough! Will your supervisor be happy? Will the client be happy? Am I doing this the right way? These are normal worries that can keep you really hyper focusing on the little things. Don’t worry, along with just getting use to the job, there are several things that you can do to help you move faster and stay on target!
Time Management Tips and Tricks
Follow The Room By Room Checklist
- Using our Clean Day checklists will allow you to get More Done and in a More Efficient way! It’s been said that you get an endorphin rush whenever you cross something off of a checklist! So lets make this job a Very Gratifying one and get busy checking off those boxes!
- Save Time and Brain Power with our checklist
- Make Delegating Easier
- Reach Your Goals Quicker
- Our Checklists make it so easy to stay focused and on target!
- All Clean Day Team Members will clean each room using the same Checklists and in the same order. This ensures the client will receive the cleaning they were hoping for, each and every cleaning!
Prioritize in order of importance
Every home is different, and every client has a list of things they would like to see done during your visit. In some cases, they will let you know what is most important to them and we call these things “priorities”. After you have assessed the home and generally know how long each space will take, prioritize where you should start and how you will move about the home. Base this plan on the needs and wants of the client, or if they have no major requests, start with what you feel needs the most attention, and so on. That way, if you are running short on time you can simply quick clean the final spaces that require less attention. Prioritizing is key to a timely cleaning.
Set priorities for yourself and stick to them
When you say 45 minutes you mean it! Stick to your set time and your task list. Move quickly and efficiently. Don’t repeat work. Work High to Low, and when the timer says 17 minutes left, get a move on! Stick to your guns and do your best to get done on time.
Don't Hyper focus
All homes have those “Spots”. The spots that will not come off no matter how hard you scrub. It’s stained, scratched, scuffed, discolored. But its okay! The client DOES NOT EXPECT YOU TO WORK MIRACLES!! If these marks don’t come off with a little soap and water or elbow grease then they are not going to. Move on! Call it a loss.
You only have so much time so spend it wisely!
Don't get distracted
Cell phones, phone calls, chatting with our clients, daydreaming, taking to many snack breaks, all slow us down! Don’t let these thing come between you and finishing your job in a reasonable amount of time.
Check your phone once every so many hours and otherwise don’t use it. Don’t be on the phone, unless its an emergency, eat snacks at designated break times, and leave chit-chat with clients to a minimum.
Stay focused! Use the checklist and stick to it!
Set small breaks for yourself
In between rooms or larger tasks, give yourself a few moments to catch your breath and take a drink. Staying hydrated is a very important part of your overall safety and well being. Drinking water and eating small snacks throughout the day will help you stay strong and full of energy.
If you are still struggling use the RAC method
If you just can’t seem to get your rooms and jobs clean in an appropriate amount of time, the RAC method could really come in handy!
RAC stands for Record, Analyze and Change.
Bring a notepad and pen with you to work. Jot down the tasks you are doing like “Dusting Dining Room” and mark down the time you start and finish. Go throughout several days recording how long it takes you to complete the specific tasks on your cleaning checklists. Analyze the data. What jobs are you spending to much time on? What can you do differently? Try to change your approach and or techniques the next time and see if it cuts down on your cleaning time.
It may take a few days, but eventually you will figure out where you were going wrong and what you need to do to fix the problem.
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Problem Solving 101
Click on Each Image to see the answers to the problems
"There is to much picking up to do and I will never get done!"
"The pets are crazy and I can't work around them!" or "The pets are scary and threatening!"
"I accidentally broke something!"
I forgot to clock in or out!
"I'm locked out and I don't have a key or a key code!"
"The client is supposed to supply the cleaners, but they are out of this!"
The client won't stop following me around!
In Any Situation...
Speed Cleaning Rules
Rule One: Make Every Move Count
That means work around the room once. Don’t backtrack. It also means you must carry your equipment and supplies with you, so you don’t make dozens of aggravating trips back and forth across the room. Make sure you are prepared for each step of cleaning so you are making the most of your time.
Rule Two: Use the Right Cleaners
Make sure you are using the right tools and cleaners for each step of the job. Don’t go overboard with different cleaners for different things. In a speed cleaning situation, less is best.
Rule Three: Work from Top to Bottom
Dirt follows the laws of gravity just like everything else. When you start at the top and work to the bottom, you won’t be constantly re-cleaning surfaces that have become sullied with dirt from above.
Rule Four: If it isn’t Dirty, Don’t Clean It
For example, vertical surfaces are almost never as dirty as horizontal surfaces. Upper shelves and molding have less dust than lower ones. Often all that’s dirty about a surface is a few fingerprints, so don’t clean the whole area.
Rule Five: Don’t Keep Working After It’s Clean
Once something is clean, STOP! Don’t hyper-focus on stains or things that just won’t come clean. Do your best, follow the tricks you have been taught, clean and move on.
Rule Six: Keep Your Caddy in Impeccable Shape
Empty cleaners don’t help, so make sure your caddy is stocked and neat. Your caddy is a reflection of your work, so make sure it is orderly and ready for any job.
Rule Seven: Repetition Makes for Smoother Moves
Always put your things back in the same spot in your caddy. You can’t spare the time to fumble around for them. And you can’t afford to leave them lying around in alien places for the dog to carry away. You’ll quickly get so expert that you’ll become aggravated if the cleaner you expected isn’t in the right spot when you reach for it.
Rule Eight: Pay Attention
Almost everything else will fall into place if you do. Don’t think about the revisions in the tax code. Or anything else. In Latin: Age quod aegis: Do what you are doing.
Rule Nine: Keep Track of Your Time
Get a little faster every time.
Rule Ten: Use Both Hands
Your work force is half idle if one hand is doing all the work. Finish one step with one hand and start the next step with the other. Or, wipe with one hand while the other steadies the object.
Rule Eleven: If There Are More than One of You, Work as a Team
You’re what the biologists call a ‘super organism’. If your partner gets done ten minutes faster, the team gets done ten minutes faster. And that is a wonderful thing. You can’t stop being vigilant for one moment about what will speed up or slow down your partner’s progress.